Membership & The Synergy Challenge

Becoming a member of Synergy is easy. Go to our Facebook page and simply become a fan. There you will receive information on The Synergy Challenge, learn of upcoming webinars from the National Association of Gifted Children, be informed of upcoming local speakers, be able to plan for fun and exciting events, become aware of poetry or science competitions, and find out about great links for our kids. In addition, you will have the chance to link up with other teachers and parents of gifted children and will have the ability to become part of a discussion group, if you so chose.

Gifted and Talented Education in New York State

So why do we need Synergy? Why do teachers need to connect with one another? Why do parents, who feel isolated, need a forum for discussion and support? Well, currently in New York State:

  1. There is no mandate on identification for gifted and talented students.
  2. There is no mandate on services for gifted and talented children.
  3. The state does provide guidance or guidelines for identifying gifted and talented students.
  4. General Education teachers are not required to have training on the needs of gifted and talented students.
  5. Districts are not required to follow the same identification guidelines or uniform identification process.
  6. The state does not monitor/audit district programs for gifted and talented students.

For more information, please visit The National Association for Gifted Children.
